The Degree in Business Administration and Management has a generalist focus resulting from the reflection process made with representatives from private and public local institutions, from the results of the opinion polls about labour market insertion and from the reflections included in the strategic plan of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Tourism (FDET).
Since the business sector in Lleida and its environment is mostly made up of small and medium-sized enterprises, the Degree provides extensive training so that graduates acquire a broader understanding of the way in which businesses operate. In this way, graduates will have the capacity to meet different management needs that may arise when they join any company in the territory. This enables graduates to fulfil any management requirements when they begin to exercise as professionals in any of the companies in the area. Based on this general approach, it was decided to offer specialized training in entrepreneurship and business creation through the possibility of attending the minor in entrepreneurship. Methodologically, continuous assessment, active pedagogical methodologies, professional training (with compulsory business practices) and national and international academic mobility are encouraged. In addition, students are given an introduction to research methods (final project).